Murthy had borrowed Rs 10,000 from his wife (Sudha) to launch Infosys Technologies. Infy, as it is popularly known, recently, reported a net profit of Rs 1,302 crore (Rs 13.02 billion) for the quarter ended June 2008.
For 21 years Murthy served as the company's chief executive officer, before he handed over the reins to co-founder Nandan M Nilekani in March 2002.
To know more about the man, his life's philosophy and his success mantra, read on...
"We were huddled together in a small room in Bombay (now Mumbai) in the hope of creating a brighter future for ourselves, for the Indian society, and perhaps, we dreamed, even for the world."
"Our value system was like the British Constitution - it was all unwritten but extremely well practiced...Our value system is the true strength of Infosys."
"Unless we can sell well we cannot do anything, such as create jobs, pay good salaries and satisfy investors. Right from the beginning we realised that we have to focus on selling better and better in the marketplace."
"Truth is God. Our success at Infosys depends on our continual learning."
"Entrepreneurship is about running a marathon, not a 100 metre dash."
"Capitalism and Marxism intend to better the lot of humanity. Consequently, responsible Capitalism that creates wealth and allows it to percolate down seems to be a better option."
"I am a 100% free marketeer but I call myself a compassionate capitalist. While I'm very conservative in economic matters I'm very liberal about social matters."
"If we have to make life better for these (rural) people and give them reasonable standards of living, disposable incomes, healthcare and nutrition and education, I personally believe we have to look at low-tech manufacturing to start with and then high-tech manufacturing in a big way just as China has done because most of these people are semi-literate or educated at a very basic level."
"I define globalisation as sourcing material from where it is cheapest, talent from where it best available, producing where it is most cost-effective, and selling where the markets are -- without being constrained by national boundaries."
"Entrepreneurship, resulting in large-scale job creation, (is) the only viable mechanism for eradicating poverty in societies."
"I believe that we have all at some time eaten the fruit from trees that we did not plant. In the fullness of time, when it is our turn to give, it behooves us in turn to plant gardens that we may never eat the fruit of, which will largely benefit generations to come. I believe this is our sacred responsibility, one that I hope you will shoulder in time."
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